Cooking Cocaine Without Baking Soda
How Do You Make Crack Without Baking Soda. Bruhh u can make crack wit cocaine or just baking soda but crack cocaine last longer then the baking soda go bk to skool lmaso. Exact ratio of sodium bicarbonate to cocaine for freebase cocaine. The sodium from the baking soda bonds to the chloride molecule from the coke.HCl, forming. Cooking cocaine/freebase off a spoon???! View Profile View Forum Posts. Put coke in spoon w water, add 1/3 baking soda as u have coke, heat over.
Cooking Cocaine Without Baking Soda Without
Cocaine cut with Baking Soda?
I just got a baggie with a half gram of coke in it, and I was told it was cut 50/50 with Baking Soda. Are there any side effects or dangers to snorting Baking Soda?
Edit: I'm quite experienced with coke and know what it should look like, taste like, smell like etc. I normally get blow cut with B12. I found a different source and wanted to give it a try, I just want to know if I'm gonna feel sick or have a headache or something from the baking soda.
Cooking Cocaine On A Spoon
Edit 2: Im well aware I could just make crack but no.
Edit 3: Marquis reagent had a fairly violent reaction (indicating Baking soda) and was colorless (indicating cocaine). Mandelin reagent reacted Orange/Yellow also indicating cocaine. I'm going to assume that it's safe to do, I'll report my findings.